Welcome One and All!

I started this blog to chronicle the my life as a renal patient. I started having issues back in 1983. I had an infection that hadn't been treated as an infection; it had been treated as pulled muscle as I had been working as a nanny at the time. Life went on and then I dealt with a series of infections of infections which resulted in 4 minor surgeries from 1985 to 87. Than I had 3 kids; dealing with minor infections along the way. This culminated in discovering in 1998 that I was in what the call Chronic Renal Failure, my right kidney was imploding, the left was starting to go as well.

I finally had the right kidney removed in 1999, which resulted in complications. I almost didn't make it. When I moved back to Edmonton from BC, I started seeing a nephorogist, Dr. Caldwell, from the U of A. In 2007 I had 75% renal function, fast-forward to today I have 13% and it is getting worse.

I decided I needed a place to share what I am going through for a variety of reasons:

1) to get out of my head and work through the anxiety and fear that I am feeling.

2) that somehow my ramblings can be of help to others.

3) most of all to share my journey with others and to help me share with my own family.

Great Sites for Information

Kidney Foundation of Canada

Kidney Foundation of Canada

National Kidney Foundation (USA)

National Kidney Foundation (USA)

(I will Post more as I find out more information.)

Here are some great foums and educational sites...

Kidney School
Kidney School
Kidney Friends Forum
Kidney Friends

Also there are some groups on Facebook:
Canadian Kidney Connection
Canadian Kidney Connection

Ontario’s Renal Community
Ontario’s Renal Community

I will add more as they come in. Cora

Saturday, November 24, 2012


On Monday. November 26, I am doing training on how to work the machine to do overnight pd treatments. I am less than pleased with the twin bag exchange. It is NOT going well at all. Hoping I can find a way of getting this to work as I don't want to go onto hemodialysis. I will endeavor to try to keep y'all up-to-date on what is happening.


Kidney Pattern....

Knitted Kidney
I came across a really cute knitted pattern for a set of Kidneys and Ureters on Ravelry. I am planning on translating the design to crochet as I would really like these for me. I will make the pattern free on Ravelry and here once I have figured it out.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Am I prepaed for an emergency...

I don't often think about this but with our crazy weather maybe I should. On Pinterest I cam across this picture.

72 hr emergency supplies
However I need to think along the lines of what I need. I am currently doing the twin bag dialysis (PD) however we are planning on switching to the machine at night. So if the power goes out I will need to make sure i have enough twin bags for several days of dialysis, along with food I can eat. will be interesting. I will need to look at this further.