Last Friday, 10 days ago, I got hit with a bug. I was at knitting group when I suddenly got the chills. I was waiting for hubby to pick me up from Starbucks at Northtown Mall, across from Northgate, when I started to feel cold. I thought it was due to this Starbucks having a drive thru and it was starting to get cold outside.
While we were driving home we decided to go out to eat, we were both tired and didn't feel like cooking, so we went to Boston Pizza. I could not warm up, so we got our dinners to go, paid and headed home. By the time we got home I was running a fever. The next morning I felt like I was trying to cough up a lung! So I called into work on the Sunday and said I am just too sick to make it in. I was floored!
So Wednesday, hubby took me to the ER at the Royal Alexander Hospital. It actually wasn't a bad wait, we got there around 7:45 pm and got into the ER around 10:45 pm. The staff were great. The Dr. came in and listened to my chest, couldn't hear anything so sent me for x-rays. I had urine tested along with blood work. When the doctor came back he said he was suspicious that it could be pneumonia (confirmed the next day) but he was also worried about my creatine levels, they were at 500, not good. A couple of months ago they were at 300. We were out of there by 4:30 am. I must say the staff there are great!
I have to say, I am thankful to my loving husband who has been there through it all. He is the best :D
The Renal Insufficiency Clinic called the next day, I have an appointment on March 22 at 11:00 am. If my numbers don't rebound by then I start dialysis.
I will let you know more on the 22nd.