Welcome One and All!

I started this blog to chronicle the my life as a renal patient. I started having issues back in 1983. I had an infection that hadn't been treated as an infection; it had been treated as pulled muscle as I had been working as a nanny at the time. Life went on and then I dealt with a series of infections of infections which resulted in 4 minor surgeries from 1985 to 87. Than I had 3 kids; dealing with minor infections along the way. This culminated in discovering in 1998 that I was in what the call Chronic Renal Failure, my right kidney was imploding, the left was starting to go as well.

I finally had the right kidney removed in 1999, which resulted in complications. I almost didn't make it. When I moved back to Edmonton from BC, I started seeing a nephorogist, Dr. Caldwell, from the U of A. In 2007 I had 75% renal function, fast-forward to today I have 13% and it is getting worse.

I decided I needed a place to share what I am going through for a variety of reasons:

1) to get out of my head and work through the anxiety and fear that I am feeling.

2) that somehow my ramblings can be of help to others.

3) most of all to share my journey with others and to help me share with my own family.

Great Sites for Information

Kidney Foundation of Canada

Kidney Foundation of Canada

National Kidney Foundation (USA)

National Kidney Foundation (USA)

(I will Post more as I find out more information.)

Here are some great foums and educational sites...

Kidney School
Kidney School
Kidney Friends Forum
Kidney Friends

Also there are some groups on Facebook:
Canadian Kidney Connection
Canadian Kidney Connection

Ontario’s Renal Community
Ontario’s Renal Community

I will add more as they come in. Cora

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another Update....well more of a rant actually ;D

Well as you all know I am supposed to starting my dialysis on the 30th, well now I am not so sure that will be happening (still waiting for a call from my nurse). The PD Clinic called yesterday to confirm everything. One of the things I had been wondering was when they would be doing the surgery to pull the catheter out so I can use it. Well apparently its the first day, under a local anesthetic. I wish I had been told that earlier as I have issues with locals, just ask my dentist...sigh.

When I get dental work, I need 4 shots around the tooth plus one in the roof of my mouth if the tooth being fixed is the in the top of the mouth or 5 shots in the bottom of my mouth. Then i need at lest one or two more half way during the procedure as I absorb the anesthetic to fast.

So I explained this to person who called. She spoke to her supervisor who said to talk to my renal specialist, so I called them. They called me back, saying they just missed the supervisor, so I have to wait until today to find out what next. then I was asked why they were dealing with it. This isn't something they normally deal with.

By the way my husband has been sooooo supportive. I am so fortunate to have him in my life, thank you sweetie you know who you are :)

So again everything is up in the air...

In the meantime I have found some songs that give me solace....

I absolutely adore Danielle Lowe, she is a local girl from Edmonton, AB. She is amazing! I know this song refers specifically breast cancer, however anyone facing a life threatening illness will relate to the emotions in this song.

This one is just amazing by Reba McEntire-The words just hit me in that place.

Ok so now I wait..Thanks for letting me vent!


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